Thursday, May 15, 2014

How To Install / Use The Raspberry Pi Camera


In this step by step guide we will explain how to install the Raspberry Pi camera module, along with how to take pictures/videos with it.

1. Open up your Raspberry Pi Camera module. Be aware that the camera can be damaged by static electricity. Before removing the camera from its grey anti-static bag, make sure you have discharged yourself by touching an earthed object (e.g. a radiator or PC Chassis).
2. Install the Raspberry Pi Camera module by inserting the cable into the Raspberry Pi. The cable slots into the connector situated between the Ethernet and HDMI ports, with the silver connectors facing the HDMI port.
3. Boot up your Raspberry Pi.

4.From the prompt, run "sudo raspi-config". If the "camera" option is not listed, you will need to run a few commands to update your Raspberry Pi. Run "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get upgrade"

5. Run "sudo raspi-config" again - you should now see the "camera" option.
6. Navigate to the "camera" option, and enable it. Select “Finish” and reboot your Raspberry Pi.

How to take a photo with your Raspberry Pi camera module

1. "raspistill" is a command line application that allows you to capture images with your camera module. Below is an example of this command in use.

2. To capture an image in jpeg format, type "raspistill -o image.jpg" at the prompt, where "image" is the name of your image

How to record a video with your Raspberry Pi camera module 

1. "raspivid" is a command line application that allows you to capture video with your camera module. Below is an example of this command in use.

2. To capture a 10 second video with your Raspberry Pi camera module, run "raspivid -o video.h264 -t 10000" at the prompt, where "video" is the name of your video and "10000" is the number of milliseconds
I hope this helps :)

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